People's Assembly Facilitator Training

People's Assembly Facilitator Training

This Facilitator Training aims to:

  • Provide you with the basic tools and techniques to facilitate a PA
  • Help build your confidence to facilitate or co-facilitate a PA
  • Give you the opportunity to clarify the process and ask questions about PA facilitation
  • Connect with like minded people and have some fun
  • Develop a skill which will help transform our movement and potentially transform our society
  • Significantly strengthen our resolve and support our 3rd demand for Citizen’s Assemblies

For full details and to register your place please click the register button.

Course logistics:

  • This is a 3 hour course
  • The Meeting House has some on-site parking at the front of the building *
  • We plan to have representation from all our XR Warwickshire & Coventry Groups
  • We would like to have people who commit to attend and plan to act upon the training

We would like you to read the People's Assembly manual beforehand (only up to page 11 and that should not take long). People's Assembly Manual (Oct-2019)

People’s assemblies are way for a group of people to discuss issues or make decisions collectively, where all voices are heard and valued equally and no one person or group are able to dominate.

People’s assemblies can be used to help people to feel safe whilst sharing the grief and loss they feel for a world that is rapidly collapsing. PAs also allow people to organise and work together, developing new forms of participatory democracy.

* Private car park (12 places) but vast public car parks adjacent. The best public car park is Belgrade.

P.S. No need to print your ticket

Event Details

Event Date Tue 17 Mar 2020 6:30 pm
Location Coventry Quakers Friends Meeting House
Categories Training

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

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