
Collaboration With Local Environmental Organisations

The Political arm of XRWD have had a number of recent meeting with other local organisations in the area on the theme of collaboration. This was on the back of a recognition that many local groups exist that hold similar aims and principles to those of XR and from time to time we need to share ideas and plans. The Warwickshire Climate Alliance (WCA) was conceived as an umbrella organisation in a similar approach to the Climate Coalition (formed for the purpose of the "Time is Now" mass lobby) in order to co-ordinate promotion of the Warwick DC referendum on the council tax. More recently XR member David Mond kindly developed the WCA web-site as a means of promoting an Art Competition for pupils from local schools to enter on the subject of climate change.

A further recent development has been an approach from Stratford Climate Action (SCA) group to work more closely with XRWD , mainly for the purpose of lobbying Warwickshire County Council to increase urgency on low carbon solutions and policy, such as the review of the Local Transport Plan.

The virtual meetings that are underway currently and organised by WCA have been represented by XRWD, SCA , Low Carbon Warks Network and a number of Green Party councillors and local town councillors (inc.Kenilworth)

The next meeting is due to take place on Monday 7th December.

Please also check out the WCA web-site and please feel free to provide any feedback and contributions to help in its development.

Warwickshire Climate Alliance – WCA exists to link the many organisations working on climate change, and as a first port of call for someone wishing to become active

Warwickshire Climate Alliance This is a new website for a new organisation. We have a lot to say … but we haven’t said it yet. So watch this space! What are we for? Warwickshire Climate Alliance has been set up to provide a hub for activity on climate change in Warwickshire. We know that there…
