
HS2, Art Competition & A Local Group Meeting

StopHS2 Needs Your Help

After the demise of the Cubbington Pear Tree on Tuesday 20th October we feel a need to engage more members of the public who want to help when they see the reality of what HS2 are doing to their beautiful woodlands.
The threat to the Greenway at Offchurch and surrounding trees and wildlife has started with the loss of neighbouring trees and thoughtless ravage of the hedgerows.

Many unlawful actions are being committed by HS2 workers...many of whom do not even seem to understand their own remit. You don't have to climb a tree or climb a fence. A presence is all that is needed. They need to know we are watching them and Imany local people feel a need to bear witness to the death of these magnificent trees, hundreds of which are mature oaks and many reach 200+years. There are active badger setts, bats, birds, newts etc all being damaged with special dispensation given to HS2 by Natural England.

STOPHS2 and Welsh Road Protection camp held two socially distanced educational information sessions this weekend on the Greenway near to the Welsh Road car park.
This Saturday 24th October at 3pm and Sunday 25th October at 11am.
This was an opportunity for locals to find out more about the camp and the campaign. There was a short introduction and then a Q&A session. This included interest and support from all over the UK.

Where is Your Plan?

Extinction Rebellion Warwick District is holding an action on Saturday 14th November between 1-2pm outside Warwick Shire Hall. This will be directed at Warwickshire County Council who are dragging their feet over their own climate strategy. The theme is "Where is your Plan?" We wanted to do something creative and visual so one of our brave rebels will dress up as the Warwickshire Bear and we will ceremoniously flood Warwick with blue sheets. We have already received some great ideas from people and are looking for any photos of local flooding which we are planning to show or any items with flood damage. We are also preparing a statement for the press showing that WCC is falling behind compared to other Councils. Can you help? We need to keep the number of rebels taking part on the day low due to the current situation, but please come and support and say hello. We'd also welcome any research, water-themed art work or costumes which would really help us put it together. You can contact us through the XRWD Telegram group hyperlink to ttps://t.me/joinchat/NXdzXQkzg4xn6PpKn4a9Kw or by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Thank you.

Contributions for the newsletter

Have you been inspired recently? We'd love to receive book, film or TV reviews for inclusion in this newsletter. Or maybe you'd like to write about a local initative addressing the climate and ecological emergency. Send your contributions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Copy deadlines are 5th November, 19th November and 3rd December.