
A creative response to climate change

A competition for schools in Warwick District, to draw, paint, photograph or write something that expresses your views and feelings about Climate Change.

For many people, Climate Change is mankind’s greatest challenge, and one that the world is not facing up to.

  • What is happening?
  • Paint a poster!
  • How can we stop it?
  • Write a poem!
  • What can we do locally?
  • Tell us what to do!
  • What will the world be like in 2050?
  • Scare us!
  • How can we persuade the world to act?
  • Show us!

The competition will run from now until the end of the Spring Term. A panel of judges will award prizes of £100 for the best individual entries in different categories, and £1,000 to the school submitting the best body of work. The winning entries will be displayed in an exhibition in Leamington Spa, and featured in the Warwickshire Open Studios brochure, to be published in May of 2021, and in the Warwick and Leamington Spa Courier.

For each participating school, Warwickshire Climate Alliance offers to run a school assembly on climate change and on the dilemmas of how to respond to it. This can be done remotely if necessary.

Rules and details of how to enter can be found at the Warwickshire Climate Alliance website at WarwickshireClimateAlliance.org

If you have any questions please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOWNLOAD THE Art Competition Flyer