With the momentum of the rebellion keeping us going, we have plenty of news & events for all you lovely rebels!
Have you seen the video about the Rebellion? It's well worth watching....be prepared for an emotional rollercoaster: https://youtu.be/Jhl-9UBRK4w

Ask your MP to back the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill!
The Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill has been developed with members of the successful Big Ask campaign (a Friends of the Earth initiative that led to the Climate Change Act of 2008), Power for People and members of Extinction Rebellion with contributions from eminent scientists, academics and lawyers. If passed, it will ensure that the UK plays its fair and proper part in limiting global temperatures to 1.5°C and will actively conserve the natural world by restoring and protecting the UK's ecosystems amongst other measures. It will also set up an emergency Citizens' Assembly to help Parliament and govenrment decide on measure to include in the strategy and empower MPs to make the necessary decisions.
Support for the Bill is rising! As of 25th September 73 MPs from 7 different political parties have publicly given their backing to it. (keep up to date here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qjizOaFYYIQjUpVI5Ir7Wv1dD2_UwYLBf8R0hTFTq9g/edit) But so far our local MPs are not amongst them.
Can you help by writing and tweeting your MP and encouraging others to do the same? The more requests, the more our MPs must listen. There are plenty of suggestions and tips on how to lobby your MP here https://www.ceebill.uk/resources
Most Private Members Bills remain as campaign tools but the Climate Change Act of 2008 started out life this way (in 2005) and shows that it is possible to gather enough support inside and outside Parliament for this type of Bill to pass into law. That took 3 years. We need to act faster than that.
And if you'd like to join a small group of local rebels in Warwick District working to raise awareness of the Bill, do join our Telegram chat https://t.me/BacktheBill_XRWD_Outreach You'll need to install Telegram first https://telegram.org/ It can be downloaded onto desktops as well as phones and tablets.
Curious about XR? Would you like to find out more?
New 'Welcome to XR' sessions are being held on Zoom on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7pm. These are being organised by national XR so that anyone interested can meet fellow rebels, learn more about XR and how it works, and find out where you can have most impact.
Register in advance for any of the dates below using this link https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvduGvrDgpEtEdQ_6Fy-cZwI06b0M26O57?fbclid=IwAR1l_SFtRuWjx16GdUAB3kv8szTQi5twjsBQQvgx8x8PhoQw2MNKKR4lsjo
Tuesday 29th September
Thursday 1st October
Tuesday 6th October
Thursday 8th October
Tuesday 13th October
Thursday 15th October
Reflections on The 2020 Rebellion
I was generally pleased with the results of the latest rebellion despite a drop in number of rebels attending. I attended for the first 5 days.
We went to the very heart of the government which pumps out toxic policies to the organs of the treasury, corporations, media and think tanks etc. Since the last rebellion the government have not really made clear a plan to deal with the emergency or put any substantial resources towards it. This time the rebellion was designed not to disrupt the public but to focus on those institutions which hold power but use it to perpetuate and make worse the climate and ecological emergency, such as the government, media and corporations.
Rebels were vigilant around the COVID regulations, wearing masks and maintaining social distancing.
About a dozen XR Warwick District rebels travelled down on the 1st September to support the Climate and Ecological Emergency bill which was being presented to Parliament as a private members bill. (https://www.ceebill.uk/). XR is backing the bill which has been put together by an alliance of scientists, lawyers and activists; it is gathering support from a broad range of campaign groups, businesses, charities and individuals. The bill has the potential to become the most significant move forward since the Climate Change Act 2008. The main points of the CEE bill are:
- Act with urgency to limit global heating to 1.5°C (not rely on future tech to save the day)
- Conserve forests, soils, and ecosystems both here and overseas
- Establish a Citizens’ Assembly with real powers to decide how we cut emissions
- Reduce our entire carbon footprint, including emissions from our imports and exports.
To draw attention to the bill, as an act of civil disobedience, rebels, including those from Warwick District XR, held the road by Parliament Square on the first day. This tactic was used consistently for the first few days. Parliament Square was occupied by XR for the duration of the rebellion. Meanwhile, at home, local rebels started to hold a regular vigil outside Leamington Town Hall to raise awareness of the CEE bill and engage members of the public about its importance and this continues.
Another aspect of rebellion was to highlight the waste of public money spent on the HS2 project in a time of severe recession and climate emergency. Some rebels climbed the trees in Parliament square and remained there for days to raise awareness of the issue. I joined other rebels on a “Carnival of Corruption “march to the Treasury and Downing Street to protest at investment in the fossil fuel industry rather than in a green recovery. Barclays Bank and HSBC were also targeted as investors in fossil fuels.
XR wanted to expose the way the media failed to report the truth of Climate Change I joined a march to outside 55 Tufton Street, a venue known to host meetings of think tanks and lobbying outfits linked to climate science denial and the oil industry. Sir Mark Rylance, Caroline Lucas, Zadie Smith, Gail Bradbrooke, Juliet Stevenson, Rupert Read, Esther Stanford-Xosei, Dame Carmen Callil, and George Montbiot and others gave speeches highlighting that the think tanks were basically undemocratic and not accountable to the electorate, yet their ideas were consistently used by the government through advisers like Dominic Cummings. (https://writersrebel.com/). XR also blockaded the print works which supplied newspapers for the Rupert Murdoch-owned News Corp's titles, including The Sun, The Times, The Sun On Sunday and The Sunday Times as they did not tell the truth about climate change. This was reported on the front pages of the national newspapers and other media and commented on by Boris Johnson.
We also had marches to support the bio-diversity of the Marine environment, which Ali went on. There was another march supporting indigenous peoples to maintain their homelands and protect bio-diversity, especially in the Amazon. There also speeches to support the “Black Lives Matter” campaign.
Throughout XR rebels were non-violent. The non-violent aspect was shown vividly by an inter-faith vigil held under the statue of Ghandi. As a Buddhist I was very happy to take part in this. We also tried non-violently to hold People’s Assemblies to gain the views of fellow rebels. This was not always successful, as the one I attended in Trafalgar Square was closed down by the Police as they said it contravened COVID regulations.
The rebellion was very successful in bringing public awareness of the climate and ecological emergency. Now 61 MP’s are backing the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill. XR showed that vested interests of politicians in government, banks and the media were not actually doing their best to alleviate the present and future suffering of people from the effects of climate change but making it worse. It also further galvanized XR Warwick District rebels to focus on the campaign to get local government to act on the climate ecological emergency. (xrwd.earth) I came back fired up to get on with it and get new local members.
Love, Rage, Rebellion.
XR Warwick District
Any questions contact us at
For further details of these events keep an eye on our website
Love and rebellion
Extinction Rebellion Warwick District
Website: xrwd.earth
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