Bouncing Back from the Rebellion
XRWD Rebel in London

Bouncing Back from the Rebellion

Things are really starting to gear up, we have a lot going on for all you lovely rebels to get involved in. Keep reading to find out!

LOCAL GROUP MEETING: outdoors, socially distanced, Tuesday 8th September.

It's the second Tuesday of the month and we are taking advantage of the light and the forecast for a dry and warm evening to have a socially distanced meeting outside instead of on Zoom. It will be at The Dell, a small, secluded community park between Warwick Place and Beauchamp Hill in Leamington, postcode CV32 5BH (opposite the Star and Garter Pub). Please arrive from 6pm for a 6.15pm start and we will finish at 7.30pm.

Bring a camping chair or something to sit on and maybe a spare layer to stay warm. We'll be having a check in, some chi gung with Carol and the usual opportunity to contribute items for an open agenda. Come and share Rebellion experiences, hear what it's been like in London, help to make plans and share ideas for our work locally. There will also be a short induction for new rebels - everyone is so very welcome to come along and find out what XR is all about.

Please follow Covid guidelines and do not attend if you have a fever, a new, continuous cough or loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste. If it turns out there are more than 30 rebels present, we will split into two separate meetings.

The Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill tabled in Parliament!

On Wednesday 2nd September, Caroline Lucas introduced the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill to Parliament with the support of 11 co-sponsor MPs, and of course the largecrowd of XR rebels outside in Parliament Square. It has since gained the support of a further 22 MPs - you can see who they are on The date set for a second reading is 12th March 2021 - hardly an acknoweldgement of the emergency situation, but time to lobby and gather more support. Let's do everything we can to spread the word about the bill - write to our MPs, tell family and friends across the country. There are useful resources on the site and also here

Local 'Back The Bill' Outreach campaign

Local XR Warwick District rebels have been outside Leamington Town Hall (the office of Matt Western MP) recently to highlight XR and the CEE bill to passers-by and encourage them to write to their local MP asking for backing. There are plans to continue each lunchtime (12.30-1.30) on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Do come along and say hello - many of us have been to London, been energised by the experience and are enjoying connecting with fellow rebels and supporters back home. Please note it's XR policy to wear a face covering when gathering or taking action in public places.
Hope to see you there!


HS2 Rebellion brings together the focus of the STOP HS2 campaign and Extinction Rebellion
HS2 is the largest, most expensive and most damaging infrastructure project in Europe, possibly the world. Despite over 10 years of fighting the project, austerity, violation of the Paris Agreement, COVID, post-COVID working from home and being given a code red ‘unachievable’ status by the Infrastructure and Projects Authority, this mad gravy train continues to wreck our precious natural environment. It exacerbates the Climate Crisis, flood, drought and subsidence.
The project won’t be carbon neutral for over 120 years, time which we clearly don’t have if we maintain this trajectory. The monetary costs are eyewatering, at an estimated £106 Billion, which doesn’t include the trains. The real figure will be closer to £250 Billion. To get a perspective of how much a Billion is, convert £1 into one second of time. One Million seconds is 12 days, one Billion seconds is a staggering 39 years.

The destruction of 108 Ancient woodlands, many Sites of Special Scenic Interest and hundreds of miles of valuable habitat hedgerow has begun in earnest. Locally we have been heartbroken to witness the ruthless decimation of Broadwells Wood, Birches Wood, Crackley Wood, hundreds of large trees in Offchurch, the Welsh Road and more recently the Fosse Way.
HS2 has had no regard for the Wildlife crimes they have committed, in nesting season and in bat roosting season. Brave tree protectors have held protests, public engagement sessions, marches, blocked compound entrances, and occupied trees and machinery to slow down the work, bear witness and raise awareness.  
There is an action camp on Crackley lane in Kenilworth. Your support is needed to Stop HS2 as soon as possible, or this will go on for at least another decade, destroying lives and our future. Let's improve the infrastructure we have and restore the damage done into a wildlife corridor with a bike lane. London to Birmingham in 10 hours.

To find out more please contact: Victoria Lindsell 07806 484065

Stand Up for Change Demonstration At Leamington Town Hall

On Saturday 22nd of August 2020 from 1pm to 2pm members of Extinction Rebellion Warwick District gathered in front of Leamington Town Hall as part of their “Stand Up for Change” campaign to get the local authority to address the Climate Emergency by  taking more action to fight the climate crisis. This was also part of an outreach effort to interact with the public and engage them on climate change issues which affect them. There were surveys of passers by asking questions such as ‘Have you seen a bumblebee today?’ or ‘Have you been too hot recently?’ to stimulate thoughts surrounding personal experience of climate change. These answers were visualised using magnetic dots on a whiteboard, one dot being a ‘yes’. Meanwhile, rebels stood in front of the town hall with striking banners, flags & signs; making our cause loud, clear and visually impactful. We wish for our governments and councils to make positive decisions & investments as we recover from lockdown and the overall economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Now is a great time to invest in building greener homes & reduce vehicle emissions where possible.
The demonstration also highlighted the need for the public to support the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill which will presented to Parliament by Extinction Rebellion on Tuesday 1st September. Many Warwick District rebels are travelling down to London on that day to blockade Parliament until MP’s engage with us on the issue of the Climate Emergency. No doubt this event will be covered by International Media and so this article will give your readers some background information when they see this reported by television and press.

XR Warwick District at the London Rebellion - an exerpt from a local rebel
Members of XR warwick district recently made their way to london for the rebellion, taking part in the march from trafalgar square into parliament square, loudly and proudly encouraging the goverment to back the CEE bill. Here is a short exerpt written by a local rebel who attended:
Surrounded by love, it didn't matter whether I was with strangers or friends- I felt safe and looked after wherever I was. Of course occasionally things got a bit spicy with the police but as a 'non-arrestable' I never felt like I was near arrest.
There were times where it got tough, standing/sitting in the road to keep it blocked in the hot sun was no easy task. And nobody *wants* to be doing that, but non violent direct action is the way to go. It's the only way to get the government to actually listen. Before it's too late.
I heard some amazing speeches from all sorts of amazing people, I felt all communities were covered. Speeches surrounding BLM, LGBT++, indigenous suffering & women empowerment were all loud and clear. We are all in the same boat, but many have worse conditions.

Love, Rage, Rebellion.        

XR Warwick District


Any questions contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dates for your diary...

  • Future Local Group Meetings
    8th September
    22nd September

For further details of these events keep an eye on our website




Love and rebellion

Extinction Rebellion Warwick District




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