XRUK be returning to Parliament on 1 September. The scientists are telling us climate change is happening faster than they predicted. Even the Government's own committee has warned we're heading for a 4°C world.
The next UK Rebellion will start when the UK Parliament is due to sit again. We will peacefully blockade the area around the Houses of Parliament until the Government agrees that they will respond to our three demands.
Local and regional actions will be planned for the weekend of 28-31 August as a build-up to the Sep events. Watch this space for information about training on NVDA in the times of COVID, planned actions and the many different ways you can give your support.
UK-WIDE REBELLION - outline plans are emerging, and developing...
These themes will unite the UK in beautiful, coordinated, dispersed actions across our nations, regions and communities as we launch our Rebellion:
🖤 Fri 28th Aug: Mass banner drop across the UK plus Fossil Fuel-focused actions https://www.facebook.com/events/320760578939452/️ Sat 29th Aug: HS2 focused action in the Midlands
Sun 30th Aug: Trust The People (outreach, PA’s, talks, training, visioning, regen) https://www.facebook.com/events/903129720200139/
Mon 31st Aug: Permanent Bank ‘holiday’, finance-focused actions
https://www.facebook.com/events/630375687571173/ Tues 1st Sep onwards: Rebellion continues in Regions and goes to cities
Details of training for rebels wanting to participate in the rebellion will be available shortly.