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XR Online Study

XRWD are sharing this which came to us via email - XRWD are not responsible for the content of the questions or the outcome of the project.  The wording below is from the website of the University of Sussex page.

Invitation to take part:
You are being invited to take part in a research study to further our understanding of social identity and collective action. Thank you for carefully reading this information page, a copy of which you can print or save for your records.

This study is being conducted by student researcher, Caitlin Furlong, and project supervisor, Dr Vivian Vignoles, from the School of Psychology, University of Sussex, who are happy to be contacted (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you have any questions. 

Why have I been invited for testing and what will I do?
We are testing people over the age of 18 who identify with, or, are members of Extinction Rebellion (XR). This includes people who are either actively involved with XR, or have simply joined an XR mailing list, as long as you feel you are in some way associated with XR, you are invited to take part in the study. The questionnaire is expected to take approximately 15 minutes. During which you will be asked questions about your participation in XR collective action, as well as questions around various concepts within social psychology, identity, and collective action. Most questions will be close-ended (i.e. you will be asked to select your answer on a scale).

What will happen to the results and my personal information?
The results of this research will be written into a scientific report for a Psychology dissertation and/or publication. Fully anonymous data may also be shared with other scientists for research purposes or archived in a scientific data repository. We anticipate being able to provide a summary of our findings on request from 12th May 2020, (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Your anonymity will be ensured in the way described in the consent information below. Please read this information carefully and then, if you wish to take part, please tick the boxes below to show you have fully understood the information provided, and that you consent to take part in the study as it is described here.  

For further information about this research please contact Caitlin Furlong (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). This research has been approved (ER/CF272/1) by the School of Psychology Ethics Officer. If you have any ethical concerns, please contact either the student reseacher, Caitlin Furlong (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), or project supervisor, Dr Vivian Vignoles (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). The University of Sussex has insurance in place to cover its legal liabilities in respect of this study.